Saturday, December 15, 2018

Savage Stars: Chaos Core Book 3 Is Out!

At long last, Savage Stars: Chaos Core Book 3 is out in Ebook format. I had a great time writing the serialized version of this, now it's been edited a few times and its ready for prime time. 
Here's the Smashwords Link, where you can find it in EPub format (Compatible with Kobo, Apple iBooks, Sony, Nook and almost everything else).
Amazon is rushing the approval of the book internationally, so you can click on the American link then follow the banner that will send you to your home country's Amazon Kindle page.

Here are the links to the latest retailers to list the book!

Writing this as a serial was great fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing the edited, complete version of the ebook in your hands. I especially enjoyed the crossover with Spinward Fringe. Showing a real connection between the two series seemed to grow the scope of both. I hope you enjoy it. 

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