Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Update On Spinward Fringe Broadcast 10: Freeground

What happens when the scope of the story you're telling increases? It seems that the size of some of the chapters increases as well. The one I'm working on will take three days by the time I'm finished, but it includes a journey, and a whole new look at Haven Shore. 
There's no release date yet, but I can tell you... Alice and Minh-Chu play huge roles in this novel. So far there are over 65,000 words written about Alice, and there is no figure yet on how long Minh-Chu's journey in this novel will be, but it definitely promises to be large in size and scale. A whole new phase of Spinward Fringe begins in Broadcast 10. The Triton Fleet Academy is open, and Alice is signed up. Familiar and new faces emerge as she takes her journey through Officer Training. The biggest question is where she will end up if and when she graduates. Other major events are taking place in the Iron Head Nebula, but it's too soon to share details. I'm working hard... I hate blowing deadlines, and after taking a short break to get the details about this book together, and to clear my head, I'm working hard to complete this science fiction epic. This feels like a special book already, which is a good thing, because the stakes are incredibly high for most of the starring characters. There are podcasts coming. The studio is ready, and my co-host is good to go, so you can look forward to a few new podcast episodes in the coming weeks. We may also be working on something entirely new that should be highly enjoyable too. Thank you all for your support and patience. Look for more preview chapters soon! RL


Unknown said...

I'm excited about this news. Alice and Minh are favourites of mine. Delving further into their personal journeys is a boon. Sounds as though this book is going to be epic. Thank you for the update and please keep in touch. ;)

Jake Baxter said...

I cannot even read the preview chapters, but I am super excited about broadcast 10! I can only imagine this to be as draining as the transition from 0 to Triton! So many characters to define, expand, and part with. At the same time creating so many possible future plot expansions. I do not envy you sir, but I do take my hat off to the emotional commitment you have for character development and the ever twisting plot. You are an innovator whether publicly recognized as such or not. It would be great to see your work brought to life through a TV series or several movies. Two Thumbs Up!

Bob Veda said...

I hope sol defense is playing a major part in this series, we hear so much about them yet rarely meet the most advanced human civilization.

Bob Veda said...

A tv series or movies would be great. But not enough people know the book series

Bob Veda said...

And something involving sol defense would be cool as well