Friday, April 1, 2011

Publishing House Picks Up Fate Cycle Series

It's as if Amanda Hocking paved a great big in-road for indie authors when she signed her book deal in March. This morning I was woken up by an editor who had read my Fate Cycle series (currently out of print), and was wondering if they could buy the rights.

I thought it was a joke, since I've all but abandoned that series, but he kept asking about the manuscript for the final book in the series and, looking at the leather case containing the rough draft, I said; "yes, but I wrote it six years ago. It'll take some work."

He didn't care.

He asked if I would be willing to work with someone to polish it up and I told him the editor could cut it into ribbons and make a fancy hat with it after they owned the rights. I really didn't care.

So, it looks like the rest of the year will be devoted to necessitating this old fantasy yarn so it can be on your shelves by next Christmas. I'll spill details about advances and such when I've signed on the dotted line.


[The artwork above is from the ever-talented Marcus Froment]

*** For everyone who has difficulty reading the comments section because of the device you're using: This was an April Fool's joke. I didn't actually think I'd get anyone with it, buuuuut as it turns out there are at least a few dozen readers who think this is true! Rest assured, I'm not being seduced by an over-zealous publisher and work continues on Broadcast 7.***


Randolph Lalonde said...

Happy April Fools everyone!

[Real update coming tomorrow]


2bresolute said...

oh my goodness, I just about had a cardiac thinking you were going to stop work on Broadcast 7 to take on polishing up the Fate Cycle. I feel really gullible, especially since I was earnestly trying to catch up with your blog as I hadn't read it for awhile (been reading Broadcast 6 and didn't want to accidentally catch a spoiler here). I don't see any other comments here, so I must be the only one, but I gotta say, that was a good one (I can say that now that my blood pressure has eased off a bit!)

John said...

Not funny