Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fate Cycle: Dead of Winter

So, several years ago I wrote this book called Fate Cycle: Sins of the Past, it was book one of a two book set. I'm still working on Fate Cycle: Exodus (the second part), but as a way to get to know some of the central characters in those two novels, I wrote a shorter book called Fate Cycle: Dead of Winter.

Dead of Winter was serialized on my old website: (now and available in part until someone took the domain. The book takes place before the main two books, but I refuse to call it a prequel, it isn't, it's just another story dammit. The pace and style are actually vastly different from Fate Cycle: Sins of the Past and the plots are barely tied in together.

Why read it? Well, now that I'm carefully editing Dead of Winter, I'm finding that it's a very charming story where the central characters get to tell stories about their pasts as they live out the plot line. It's actually a fun read and after I'm finished cleaning it up, it'll be worth reading if you like descriptive fantasy and multi-layered story telling.

This is also my way of taking a nice deep breath before diving into the third book in the First Light series, which looks to be one hell of a finish for the first three. Will there be more? Oh hell yeah. I'm having too much fun with the First Light Series to put it down for more than a week or two at a time, the ideas just keep boiling to the top.

What about Fate Cycle: Exodus? Well, I'm going to be starting on that in June or July and the first thing I'm doing is pulling one entire plot line out of the book. Yup, 100 pages or so are about to go bye-bye because I'm looking back on it now and realizing that there was absolutely no point to that part of the story. The rest of the book is fantastic and I'll be redrafting the entire thing from scratch, which means it should take me about two months to write, another month to edit, then an actual editor will be working on it for another month or two. Then I'm hoping to have a nice big Christmas party.

For now there's Dead of Winter, and so far it's a fun read. It'll be available for purchase online in about a week.


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